Saturday, September 12, 2015

Cluster of Stem Cells in Sports Medicine Controversy

After sitting at this laptop for an insanely long amount of time, I finally managed to organize ten different sources into a very simplified cluster map. Most of my sources discussed information on the topic rather than specific individuals, so only a few names are represented here. Furthermore, this a very basic simplification of such an intense controversy, but it helped to organize my thoughts a little more.

In this cluster map, there are various colors to represent different categories.

  • White- Represents the main controversy 
  • Light Blue- Represents the groups involved in the controversy.
  • Dark Blue- Represents the values or ideology of the groups.
  • Green- Represents the various individuals from each group involved in the controversy.
  • Purple- Represents the media that people are using to state their remarks on the controversy.
  • Red- Represents various things the people are saying about the controversy.
In general, I tried to keep the map in a similar flow so it wouldn't be hard to follow, but I could not do any better than this. Since I used google drawing, there was only so much room, and I had to cut down on the information I could include. I found that I don't really like using a cluster map, and would prefer more of a table organization, but this was an interesting learning experience. Even though I could not include all my sources, this map still helped me organize my main ideas.

After looking at Arrick's and Davis' cluster maps, I learned that though we all used the same tool to make the clusters, we did them differently. Arrick used squares/rectangles, Davis used more details, and I tried to keep mine as concise as possible because I feared how "clustered" the cluster would be. Davis' cluster made me feel like I could have put in more information and still have had it be legible, but I struggled with formatting. Arrick's made me feel like I could have tried different shapes and line techniques in order to make it clearer. There are benefits to using these kinds of tools in the planning stages of writing projects, but you have to be sure that the tool you are using works for you. For example, cluster maps frustrate me; however, I find tables and outlines very useful. In general, the planning process of writing is very important, as it makes writing your first draft much, much easier.


  1. This cluster is organized and succinct which is good for making outlines and setting up your controversy. I would suggest you be a little more specific in the purple circles for organization purposes (ex: use the name of podcast or news site instead of just saying it).

  2. Your cluster is very well organized. It is very easy to read and follow. It is fairly linear which in my opinion makes it very easy to read. When there is to many criss crossing lines it can get cluttered. Your topic is also very interesting. I had read about Bartolo Colon's stem cell procedure a while ago and I thought it was interesting and it seems to be working as he is still pitching in Major League Baseball.
