Saturday, December 5, 2015

Blog Post 37- Audience and Invention for Reflective Essay

1. What do I want to discuss with my readers? What do I want them to understand about the topic?
The topic I want to discuss with my readers is my strengths and weaknesses as a writer and in my writing process; I want them to understand that through the course of the semester I have grown. I also want to show them that I recognize my strengths and weaknesses, and how they play a role in my writing overall. Furthermore, I want to rewrite my first essay, so I will use some examples from it when writing this paper.

2. Who is my primary audience? Who is my secondary audience?

My primary audience is my professor (Dr. Bell). She has been the one that has seen the final product of all my essays and has been the one grading them, so she will be able to detect changes in my writing/writing style the most. My secondary audience will be my classmates, and hopefully they will see a change, but it might not be as likely since they don't see the final product. Perhaps they'll remember some things form my drafts and through blog posts, but again, this would be why they are the secondary audience and not the primary.

3. What do my audiences already know or believe about my topic?

Dr. Bell knows my writing, so she can personally identify my strengths and weaknesses. In other words, she knows what I'll be writing about, but she won't necessarily know how I plan to reflect upon them. Furthermore, my classmates know that I have strengths and weaknesses in my writing because, well, we all do, they might believe I have certain strengths or weaknesses, but I can't be sure because again not everyone sees my drafts and no one has seen my final copies besides Dr. Bell.

4. How will I organize and develop my ideas to make them convincing to these readers?

I will organize my ideas by creating paragraphs on different topics we have discussed in class (organization, active/passive voice, analysis, etc) and analyze both my strengths and weaknesses in that area. I will include evidence from my past assignments and analyze WHY and HOW they show my strengths or my weaknesses. This way, they won't be stuck trying to figure out why a piece of analysis or type of organization is strong, I will be able to explain it and thus convince them.

5. How will I establish my ethos (relationship and tone) with my readers?

I will establish my ethos by writing in a semi-formal tone. I want to be able to show my professor that I understand where I've gone wrong and what I've done well, but I also want my classmates to be able to relate to my paper. When discussing my weaknesses, I will probably share some anecdotes that reveal struggles I encountered because most people aren't perfect in all areas of the writing process, thus, they will be able to understand where I'm coming from.

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