Saturday, December 5, 2015

Blog Post 40: Write A Letter of Encouragement To Yourself

Dear future self,

If you're reading this, you're probably having a rough time or think that you can't do this anymore (whatever "this" may be). Whatever it is, know that you CAN do it. You got through your first semester of college, so you can get through this roadblock. Remember how hard you thought Friday December 4th would be? Three exams in one day? You accomplished it didn't you? You powered through on four and a half hours of sleep.

If you're struggling with homework, quit freaking out about it. In a few days it will be turned in and it'll be behind you. If you're really stressed, just go to office hours, ask for help, do whatever, just don't give up on yourself. You are your biggest critic and doubter, if you believe in yourself nothing will stop you. I know that sounds ridiculously cliché, but think about it for a second, it makes sense, I promise. 

Furthermore, try to actually enjoy your college experience. You spent this semester cooped up in your room; it's not a bad thing to study, but maybe you should try to remember that this experience only rolls around once and you should try to just manage your time so that you can handle everything. Also, DON'T FEEL BAD ABOUT TAKING BREAKS BECAUSE YOU NEED THEM TO SURVIVE. Sorry for the caps lock, but you know it's true. If you don't take them, you'll over work yourself. Enjoy life and find your balance between studying and personal time as both are important for success. 

Lastly, just continue to try your hardest, as long as you do that, you will be fine so please don't stress out like you did this semester. You will make it through. :)


Your Awesome Self :-)

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