Saturday, December 5, 2015

Blog Post 39: Letter to Former Self

Dear Former Self, 

Quit being a little ball of stress. You don't always have to get things done in advance; it's okay to take it one day at a time. Furthermore, I know you are freaking out about your first semester of college, but it would be much better if you just sat down and took one deep breath because everything will be okay.

Moving onto English though, you will struggle from time to time, but you will be fine. Just remember that you need to focus when you write your papers. Don't get distracted, sit down and write, write, write. Just remember that the longer you take to stop and think about the paper, the more time for your brain to think "Oh this paragraph isn't good enough". When you let your ideas flow, they actually sound good, so stop doubting yourself.

When I first started the semester I wish I knew that I would never get my sleeping schedule back on track. Seriously, do your work early, and go to bed early. Then you'll actually make it to English on time in the mornings!!! On a more serious note, I wish I knew to spend more time on organization of my first QRG, I didn't even think to consider how it would affect my audience, I was just trying to write to answer the prompt.

For future reference, get as much feedback on your paper(s) as possible. It will save you time in the long run and help you decide what to do and write about, as well as help you decide what you do and don't like about your paper. Furthermore, DO YOUR PRE WRITING. It helps and you will have an easier transition to drafting. Overall, if you just sit down and stress less you will be a happier person. Also, make sure to pick topics you are passionate about!!


Your Future Self

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