Saturday, October 31, 2015

Initial Thoughts About the Audience for my Argument

The reason there is no such thing as a "general public" is because certain messages and themes target certain people. For instance, does a tampon commercial target men? No. Does a Men's Rogaine commercial target women? No. While these are very broad examples, there are many other instances in which rhetorical messages are meant for specific individuals or groups of people. It's impossible to make a photo, article, essay, etc. relatable to the whole world, there's just too many differing opinions and ideologies.
Since domestic violence/abuse is a very sensitive topic, it is important to make rhetorical choices with the audience and their reactions in mind. 
Who might be interested in or impacted by this issue?
People that might be interested in or impacted by this issue include those that aren't aware of the horrors that domestic abuse brings upon people. While men can be victims of violence as well, the issue occurs most often to women. Abuse happens no matter race, location, or educational level. People that influence the issue can be organizations, battered women shelters, and more. The typical belief on the issue is that it is wrong, but many aren't sure how to help.

How familiar will my audience be with my issue/topic?
My argument will be targeted more towards those that aren't aware of the horrors of domestic violence and what it really does to its victims. Thus, the audience will probably have some general knowledge that domestic abuse is prevalent in society, but won't be aware of the specifics and facts that reveal the number of people affected and what it does to them.

Aside from my ideal audience, who else might encounter my argument?
Others that may encounter my argument include victims and those that are close to them. Victims that may be trying to find a way out of the abuse may look into my argument to see the resources available to them, and so might those that want to help them.

Who might be hostile to my argument and why?
Those that might be hostile to my argument are those that do the abusing or those that are from other cultures where violence towards women is acceptable.

What basic information will my audience need to have to understand my argument?
Some basic information that my audience will need to have includes how domestic violence is present all over the world, and that it actually isn't easy for a woman to walk away from. There is an abuse cycle that occurs, and while the audience may not need to know the steps of the cycle, they should know that it exists and that it must be broken if the abuse is to ever stop.

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